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your housing needs...


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Trust Through Transparency

Scott Thompson

Click Here!
There is More to Property Management
Then Being A Care Taker


First of all, I'm not going to feed you a bunch of falsehoods, nonsense or baloney just to get a listing. You may not like what I say. My goal is to help Seller's and Buyer's make rational decisions in real estate. When seller's and buyer's connect there needs to be trust through transparency.

Scroll down for current data...

Stay tuned for updates.

Tap or Click on any links below, be it a highlighted link or website.

If your home has expired from the MLS,
no longer on the market, have you

Also view: HowIsellYourHome.net

Click here for inflation
calculator, click


1-1-2025 to 1-31-2025

Average days on market 70  
Average list price $ 431,631

Average price drop $ 3,207.00
Ask me about the exact price dropped homes

Average sold price $ 428,424
# of sales  68

The Average list price in Dec 2024 was  $479,907.00 and the Average sold price in Jan. 2025 was $ 428,424.00
That's a $51,483.00 drop in price.

As I have said 29 plus months ago, we will not be seeing interest rates drop. We have an inflation problem, not an interest rate problem.

The Fed Rev inflation rate 3% in Jan 2025, Click here.

When the inflation rate drops to 2% or below you might see interest rates drop, but very unlikely. Even if the Fed got to 2% it would be foolish to drop rates.

As I have said in the past 29 month's. prices will continue to drop. 

The best time to sell is now because prices will continue to drop. The 68 homes sold above did so only after a price drop. 

I can help you sell your home
right the first time, Click Here! 
If we're a fit great, if
not no problem.

Everything I told you has been correct based on, click-how I predict the market.


12-1-2024 to 12-31-2024

Average days on market 75
Average list price $479,907.00

Average price drop $11,263.00
Ask me about the exact price dropped homes

Average sold price $468,544.00
# of sales 66

We've had an interesting year. 28 or so months ago I told you about inflation, I told you inventory would increase in a no-body's market because of inflation. I told you and continue to tell you that prices will drop even more into August 2026. Everything I told you has been correct based on, click-
how I predict the market.
I've been telling you the importance of listing your home with market strategies that will meet the needs of the buyer before prices drop even more. PLEASE READ THE DATA BELOW, the data is there.....

I can help you sell your home
right the first time, Click Here! 
If we're a fit great, if
not no problem.


11-1-2024 to 11-30-2024
For the past 28 plus months I have been telling people, we have an inflation problem, not an interest rate problem.

As a result of this I stated 28 plus months ago that you would see the day, very soon, that prices would drop, they gradually started dropping and everyone said it was an interest rate problem, that never was reality, it was inflation, not rate.

Lenders were telling people to date the rate and marry the house. People took that bate and they purchased over inflated homes.

They will continue to drop until August 2026 and start stabilizing. I predict interest rates will remain between 6-7+ percent Based on 
how I predict the market. And, it won't matter if Trump is in office. Reagan left DC with 10-11 interest rate and started in office with 17-21 percent interest. And it was not Carter's fault. Carter had bad policies, but the rates were the results of Johnson and Nixon. Johnson took silver out of coins, and Nixon took us off the gold standard. The dollar was then backed by the trust of the Government. Spending became a lustful desire to spend spend spend even more.

The stupity of DC put rates at 1-2-3% and that is why we are over inflated today. Housing, food, autos and everything else. Please read previous comments below.

Look at the date 11-1-24 to 11-30-24 most of the price drops were from higher end homes which makes sence on the average list price.

Average days on market 69

Average list price $522,947

Average price drop $19,800.00
Ask me about the exact price dropped homes

Average sold price $503,147
# of sales 94

Ask me to send you the exact homes
sold during this period.
exact homes To

I can help you sell your home
right the first time, Click Here! 
If we're a fit great, if
not no problem.

My predictions based on studying the market and other indicators, the average appreciation through August 2026 is approximately a 
negative six point seven six percent in appreciation.
That is 
-6.76% in appreciation.

Understand, people still need to buy and sell during this negative appreciation window of time. Seller's have to be smart, Buyer's have to be smart and you both need me on your team to make rational decisions.

Based on how I predict the market,
MLS Inventory, and in this link,
look at #2 CPI and #5 PCE 

What is a No Body's Market, Click

While we are waiting for data from
Nov 1st to Nov 30th.
Lets talk....

From my link above there are Currently 24 horse properties on the market. One expired on the 19th, no longer on the market. That one needed more marketing about the qualities of the horse property, because that's who will buy that one, a horse lover.
On 1-AC in Wellsville. 

Here's the data...
Going back 180 days from Nov 19th there were 63 horse properties sold $450,000 and up. 32 we under $550,000. The higher demand for horse property is between $450,000 and $550-$595 range. Most of the buyers are seeking "HORSE PROPERTY" more then a place to call home. BUT, and that's a BIG but, the wife also desires a place to call home. The wife is looking at the inside but they're biggest desire, as a horse lover couple is there place for the utility or use of their love for their horses. I would dare say the couple loves their horse more than each other. Watch the eyes and facial expressions of one caring for their horses. Spouses envy that look, but as a team they bond more for each other.



10-1-2024 to 10-31-2024

Average days on market 52

Average list price $469,668

Average price drop $8,736.00
Ask me about the exact price dropped homes

Average sold price $460,932
# of sales 111
Ask me to send you the exact homes
sold during this period.

128 price reductions
during this period,
seller's lowering the price
of the home.

Ask me to send you the exact homes that
had price reductions 
during this time period period.

# of homes on the market
during this time, 484

# of homes that expired or left the market, no longer
on the MLS during the month of October 2024, 54.  
26 of the 54 were taken
off market based on the
seller just canceling the listing. 
28 expired from the MLS,
the listing expired. 

If you are reading this and your home was one of those that either cancled or expired, have you considered

You do have marketing / selling options that are not being explained to you.
Never deny an opportunity before checking things out.
Opportunity To 435-753-4577
for a direct response URL link sent back to you.

What's The Value Of Your
Home In A Changing Market..

Cache County,
Box Elder County,
and Weber County
Go To...

Cache County 9-21-24 to 10-21-24

Average days on market 50
Average list price $483,886.00

Average price drop $11,843.00
Ask me about the exact price dropped homes

Average sold price $472,152
# of sales 105
Ask me to send you the exact homes
sold during this period.

126 price reductions
during this period.

Ask me to send you the exact homes that
had price reductions 
during this time period period.

# of homes on the market
during this time, 492

Like I have said in the past. We do not have a interest rate problem. we have an inflation problem. Notice the changes in the previous entries I made.

Text or Call


Cache County 9-9-24 to 10-9-24
See just a few days ago below,
notice the change in
just seven days.

Average days on market 59
Average list price $478,519
Average price drop $8,306.00
Average sold price $470,213
# of sales 102
151 price reductions
during this period.

My predictions based on studying the market, the average appreciation through August 2026 is negative six point seven six percent, that is -6.76%

Based on how I predict the market,
MLS Inventory, and in this link,
look at #2 CPI and #5 PCE 

You can see from the
MLS DATA, this happening.

Text Data To 435-753-4577
for a review of what your home
is worth in this changing market
Or click on this link


Cache County 9-2-24 to 10-2-24
Average days on market 62
Average list price $481,162
Average price drop $7,651.00
Average sold price $473,511
# of sales 98
145 price reductions.
See month by month data below, price reductions will continue, If you are thinking of listing now is the best time. People still buy, their reasons are rational. Rational buyers are willing to buy, it ALL depends on their situation.

There are buyer's who's rational decisions are holding off  for different reasons. We are in a No Body's Market, but there will always be buyer's and seller's because they have to. Even dead people need real estate, they too make rational decisions.

When we talk, my advice maybe, hold off for different reasons. Always remember this, when buying and selling real estate, don't let desperate situations make you do desperate things. I am licensed to protect the public, I'm NOT GOING TO PRESSURE YOU TO BUY OR SELL!!!

My job as your agent for life is to help you make rational decisions in real estate. If that hurts me financially,
so be it.

My thoughts today...
Buyer's Seller's Enslaved By Debt.  You will see a flood of lenders encouraging second Mortgages. I advise not to get into ANY debt during this economy. Buyer's and Seller's need to make rational decisions.

Don't Lose Your Purchasing power,
stay away from debt right now.



Cache County As of 9-27-24
491 listed homes on the market. Based on how I predict the market, we should have over 500 shortly. Currently, from Jan 1 2024 to 9-27-24 there are 217 active properties with price drops that have not been sold.

We will be seeing more price drops in this No Body's Market, not because of interest rates, but due to over inflated home values. Like I have always said, we have an inflation problem, not an interest rate problem.

If you have a home to be sold you need to get with me to list / price your home to sell while the prices are higher. You can not afford to have your home sit for month's. Let's use strategies to get the most out of your home in the shortest time possible.

Have you considered


Cache County
8-25-24 to 9-25-24
Average days on market 60
Average list price $468,684
Average price drop $5,226.00
Average sold price $463,458

146 price reductions
during this period.

48 were in Logan,
2 in Clarkston,
1 in College Ward,
8 in Hyde Park 
13 in Hyrum 
3 in Lewiston 
1 in Mendon 
2 in Millville 
1 in Newton 
13 in Nibley 
10 in North Logan 
3 in Paradise 
16 in Providence 
5 in Richmond 
10 in Smithfield 
10 in Wellsville  

489 homes on the market
during this period.
of those 489...

120 are 2-Story 
16 Bungalow / Cottage 
2 Cabins 
3 Condo Main Level 
5 Condo Mid Level 
9 Condo Top Level   
5 Manufactured 
1 Mid Century Modern 
5 Mobile 
3 Modern 
Other= 2 Ask me MLS 1988635 and 188367
8 Patio homes 
204 Ranch Rambler 
10 Split Entry / Bi Level 
19 Townhouse end row 
57 Townhouse mid row 
18 Tri/Multi-level 
2 Victorian.

7 With swimming Pools
5 With hair salons
11 With Dog runs
16 With Basketball courts and
11 With Wet bars
18 Owner Agent 
To see the above....
Click or Tap Below To see...

# of homes sold during this period 100

86d 13s 1sb uc pre 8-17-24

My thoughts on the recent federal reserve discount rate. 

This is the rate the Fed loans money out to financial institutions. As of Sept. 19th 2024 it was 5.50%. They use the  rate to control the supply of money, which in turn affects the inflation and interest rates. Watch DC after lowering rate, new spending bills will come up, and like both side of the aisle they'll pass and we the people wanting to buy can't because inflation just went up again. Watch the lag effect form lowering the rate. How I Predict The Market

Many buyers and sellers think this is a good thing. It won't mean much at all because we are in a No Body's market. We don't have a interest rate problem, we have an inflation problem and when they lower rates the lag effect will hurt us.

Remember what I said
a week or so ago. Scroll
down to see more on that topic

In the 1960's rates were 6-7%

1972 interest rates were at 9%
Once Nixon took us off the Gold standard,
everything started getting real bad.
But, it gradually got to the Nixon decision
when President Johnson made sandwich
coins, no more silver

1976-1978 interest 17-21%
Because we now backed the dollar by
the faith of our government, not gold.
I watched the pain and misery on the
building industry faces as they struggled
during this period of time.

1987 interest rates were at 10%

What the FED has done by dropping the rate is allowing the DC swamp to spend more money. What would you rather have, a normal market or more out of control spending.

I'm reviewing the MLS daily and
prices are dropping, but not enough. Your home has to be priced right in order to sell right. The longer you hold on during this No Body's Market, the more equity you'll be losing. HomeSearchingReport.com

If you sit on the market hoping someone is going to purchase your home, your home will be on the market three months or longer.

Let's get your home priced right and get it sold. You have a window of time to get as much equity as possible before prices drop even more.

You will see that the rates won't do much at all. If rates go down prices go up and people still can not afford to buy.

The real answer to all of this is to leave rates alone and see things go to normal.

HowIsellYourHome.net in a No Body's market.
How I Predict The Market, click

The Fed decreases the money supply by increasing the discount rate that they give to banks, by doing so it gives institutions less incentives to borrow. It decreases the lenders ability to loan money. This may sound stupid coming from me, but its the inflation we need to tackle, not lowering rates. Lower number one below and leave rates alone. This will reduce inflation. Lower the rates number 4 and than number 1 goes up in the lag affect.
1. Price or PV
2. Amort or time of the loan
3. Monthly payment
4. Interest rates.

So, what they did does not make any sense. We need lower home values, not lower interest rates. This is why it's so important to lower your purchase price  when selling and price it right from the start. The only answer to this is election day is around the corner.

They NEVER should have had the rates in the past at 0, 1, 2 and 3 percent. We would not be in the mess we are in today and values would be affordable, not over inflated. Scroll down to see past comments.


My thoughts this period, consumers behavior in the market, they're holding their money, seeing hard times.

The Fed is spooked by their own actions. 

Debt to income rato's are killing my tenants and tenant prospects when looking for rental housing.

You will see the day, just like I did in 2010, seller's were bringing money to the closing when they sold because they purchased too high pre 2006 through 2007.

The best time to list your home is now, BUT, it needs to be priced right, prices are dropping. You can not go high and then hope a buyer will make a offer below the overpriced home.


Market Statistics
Total Listings:477

August 17th to Sept 17th 2024

Average days on market: 57
Average list price: $466,050.00

Average price drop $5,409.00
Average sold price: $460,641.00
124 price reductions during this period.
58 reductions in July 17th to August 17th
15 reductions June 17th to July 17th

From my research, projected
annualized home prices appreciation
through August 2026

If your home has been sitting on the
market for the past 70-80 days reduce
it by 3.38% NOW!
You need me as your realtor!

But, always remember this. If your property is currently listed with a Brokerage, or you have an agency buyer agreement that is required by law when working with an agent, please disregard my offers. It is not my intention to solicit the offerings of other realtors or real estate agents you may be working with through an agency relationship agreement. I will be happy to work with them and cooperate fully.

You do not want to sit on a selling
price thinking inflation will save
the day. This is not a seller's market,
it's not a buyer's market. It's a No Body's market.

We will be seeing more homes
added to the market this time
next month, It's my prediction.

We do not have an interest rate problem, we have
an inflation problem.

Even if the rates drop,
it will not be too great of a
deal. It's the inflation that
is killing the market, not so much interest rate.

Notice what else was happening in the past. Pres. Johnson, Quarters became sandwich coins, silver coins no longer made. War and the appetite for spending started. 1971 Nixon took us off the gold standard. The dollar was backed by the government, no longer gold. 

In the 1960's rates were 6-7%
1972 interest rates were at 9%
1976-1978 interest 17-21%
1987 interest rates were at 10%. In the 80's we were able to handle inflation better then today. So in my opion, we have an inflation problem, not an interest rate problem.

Values are dropping and you'll want me in your corner to get it sold before values drop even more, but you need logic and reason, don't let it sit for 60-90 days, price it right.

You'll see more homes come
on the market, and an increase
in expired listings.

Need to price homes to sell, too many hopes and wishes of past market trends are making it harder for sellers to give up what equity they think they have in a different market today VS the past.

HowIsellYourHome.net in an interesting market.

How I predict the market, Click

You can slowly see this happening...


Business insider...

10 cities in the NATION where home prices are set to decline the most over the next 3 years with real-estate values overinflated, according to Moody's. Logan is #5   Provo #1

Click Here   


Market Statistics
Total listings 339
April 1st to May 24th
As of today,  114 of the 339 were price drops = 34% 

What's your home worth
in a changing market


Market Statistics
April 1st to April 30 2024

Average days on market: 55
Average list price: $520,687.00

Average price drop $6,654.00
Average sold price: $514,033
Number of sales: 96


What Sold in March 2024 Cache

County, Click


Inventory will be increasing

even more in 2024 and 

demand will remain high


There are four things in a

contract that are interrelated with

each other that will make it

difficult for Seller's and buyers.


1. Price: Overinflated....

Business insider...
10 cities in the NATION where home prices are set to decline the most over the next 3 years with real-estate values overinflated, according to Moody's. Logan is #5   Provo #1

Click Here   

2. Down payment:

Buyer's and Seller's have concerns with economy. Inflation is killing everyone. Down payment harder to come by. This will create more

inventory and homes will remain on the market longer.

3. Interest rate:

Even if rates drop

It's still difficult with monthly 
payments. One of the other three 
need adjustments.


4. Time period:

15 yr = higher pmts. 30=high pmts. 
Going beyond 30 will make payments lower.

Items 1-4 need adjustments in order to

see stability, and we are not seeing it yet.

How I predict the market, click


Currently our inflation rate is 3.48 % and there will be a lot of fluff in 2024 due to an election. The goal is 2% and why are they thinking of lowering interest rates in April when their goal is 2%. Lowering rates will only increase the inflation rate.  Elections are the reason for lower rates. Not a good idea to lower them, too dangerous.

 Click here

What's reverse inflation, Click

What Sold, 2-21-24 to 2-29-24.

18 homes, click here


What Sold, Days on market, etc. 

Feb 8th 2024 to Feb 20th 2024...
17 homes sold during that time. And, 256 homes didn't. 31 price changes during this time. Cache Valley 


Here are the solds... 

Orgional list price: 345,000
Sold price: 315,000
Price per Sq Ft: 264
Days on Market: 97

List date: 10-20-23


Orgional list price: 565,000
Sold price: 560,000
Price per Sq Ft: 169
Days on Market: 105
​List date: 9-27-23


Orgional list price: 299,900
Sold price: 275,999
Price per Sq Ft: 158
Days on Market: 9
​List date: 2-5-24


Orgional list price: 308,000
Sold price: 295,000
Price per Sq Ft: 224
Days on Market: 21
​List date: 1-19-24


Orgional list price: 299,900
Sold price: 287,000
Price per Sq Ft: 211
Days on Market: 44
​List date: 1-3-24


Orgional list price: 385,000
Sold price: 379,900
Price per Sq Ft: 195
Days on Market: 38
​List date: 1-2-24


Orgional list price: 389,900
Sold price: 335,000
Price per Sq Ft: 188
Days on Market:  121
​List date: 10-11-23


Orgional list price: 675,000
Sold price: 551,000
Price per Sq Ft: 229
Days on Market: 137

List date: 10-6-23


Orgional list price: 360,000
Sold price: 360,000
Price per Sq Ft: 180
Days on Market: 45
​List date: 12-30-23


Orgional list price: 569,900
Sold price: 554,000
Price per Sq Ft: 174
Days on Market: 152
​List date: 10-12-23


Orgional list price: 273,000
Sold price: 272,500
Price per Sq Ft: 241
Days on Market: 89
​List date: 11-13-23


Orgional list price: 309,900
Sold price: 303,000
Price per Sq Ft: 221
Days on Market: 41
​List date: 12-29-23


Orgional list price: 434,900
Sold price: 420,000
Price per Sq Ft: 177
Days on Market: 269
​List date: 5-15-23


Orgional list price: 995,000
Sold price: 850,000
Price per Sq Ft: 168

Days on Market: 154

​List date: 9-20-23


Orgional list price: 545,000
Sold price: 525,000
Price per Sq Ft: 158
Days on Market: 52
​List date: 12-18-23


Orgional list price: 579,900
Sold price: 578,000
Price per Sq Ft: 182
Days on Market: 24
​List date: 1-17-24


Orgional list price: 849,900
Sold price: 810,000
Price per Sq Ft: 216
Days on Market: 220
​List date: 8-11-23

What buyers are looking for...
Neighborhood Cycle or Change, Click

Situs, Situs, Situs or Location, Location, Location, Click 


Seasoned Broker 41+ yrs

I'm an UnTraditionalBroker.com in an 
alternative real estate marketing world. Texting is best 435-753-4577.

If your home has expired from the MLS, no longer on the market, I have alternative marketing strategies that are DATA driven when selling your property....

You Should Never Deny
A Strategy / An Opportunity / And Several Options
Before Checking Things Out!

If your property is currently listed with a Brokerage, please disregard my offers. It is not my intention to solicit the offerings of other realtors you may be working with through an agency relationship agreement. I will be happy to work with them and cooperate fully


Business insider...
10 cities in the NATION where home prices are set to decline the most over the next 3 years with real-estate values overinflated, according to Moody's. Logan is #5   Provo #1 IN THE NATION!!!!

Click Here   

Moody's economists expect US home prices to fall by 4.5% in the years to come. I saw this coming in May and June of 2022. But some markets will see worse declines than others amid low affordability and inflated values.  Home prices in cities like Provo-Logan, Utah and Clarksville, Tennessee will fall most, Moody's says. Data taken from NAR and other IDX-MLS data that funnel back to NAR


Things You Should Know Before
Listing Your Property.

Data from 1997 to present date. I'm the only one tracking this data, the only one. Data allowing you to sell your home right the first time. I will show you this data when we meet, 85% Pre COVID, 90% 2021-22 and 95% to 99% 2023. And, Jan 2024 89%
Password protected, it has taken way too long to just give this information away, 27 plus years of data. If you do not take advantage of this data, you will lose money when listing your property. Buyer's need this data as well.  See video below...


What took place from
Feb 1 2024 to Feb 7th 2024...

13 homes expired during that time. When sellers cancel or a listing expires from the MLS it could be several reasons, but usually they're tired and it was over priced. Here are the prices of those homes...
$447,850   $825,000   $374,999   $329,900   $749,900   $518,900   $625,000   $819,900   $365,000   $565,000   $324,990   $319,990   $930,000.
Based on my data research,  these homes need to be 4 to 6 percent lower in price. When we meet I will show you why. Ask about inflation rate.

There were 9 homes that sold during this time. Average days on market 115.44 days. All had considerable price drops to make the sale happen.


 What Happens When Your Property Is No Longer On The Market...
What happens next, a flood gate of agents will try to connect with the seller and try to re-list the property. I maybe one of them, Most likely the home was over priced and the seller purchased the home at an inflated bubble purchase and now they're trying to sell as the pieces of the balloon fall to the ground.

I'm the broker who you will gain Trust Through Transpency. I will not tell you there are rainbows and unicorns during economic highs and lows to get the listing. I will present what I have to offer and leave it at that.


Interest Rates Will Temporarily
Drop This Election Year.

2024 Its an election year and that will mean interest rate drops. We will most likely see 5 drops in 2024.

March will most likely be one. I guessing 25 basis points each drop. You might want to consider a market evaluation on your property before the crazy starts.

And, you'll need to based your value on most recent solds and not a computer generated CAM. I personally feel you need to add my own analysis chart to the computer gererated CMA. We will look at Seller-Buyer Behavior Analysis.

Pulling the right data will help in that evaluation. There are data links out there through NON-COMPUTER generated data to add to your evaluation of value. NOT SIX MONTHS BACK. Six month is what an appraiser goes back to. Prices have dropped since then
Logan Utah is number 8 in the nation for price drops. Click  St. George #6
Provo #7  Salt Lake City #23


Year-over-year price change: -3.3% 
Median home price in Q3 2023: $421,000 
Median home price in Q2 2023: $440,600 
Median home price in Q3 2022: $435,200 
Source: National Association of Realtors

What I said in October 2023
The days are long gone for sellers to price their homes at pre sold 180 days data. Its over!!! If you're going to list, it needs to be lower then the 
sold 180 day data, as of 10-31-23. It's a limited buyers pool and you need to be rational when listing your property right the first time. Don't get stuck on data chasing thinking your home is worth 180 day ago data. I experienced the 1980's, I experienced 2008 and sellers were bringing money to closing, because they were upside down bubble buyers. I'm not going to lead you to think its a beautiful sunny day when I know different based on the indicators, Click

As a buyer's agent and a seller's agent my goal is to help you make rational decisions when the elephant is in the room. Buyer's, make sure you are safe, you may need to stay on the sidelines and hold off buying. If you do buy make offers within your rental budget and the costs involved in the home.

Those selling...
Put yourself in the buyers shoes and think this, would I buy my home based on the terms and conditions I'm trying to sell it at in a screwed up economy. You need to stay current with recent sold data and buyer behavior. Their behavior will be the outcome of their purchase.

And, if you are not thinking like buyers when selling your home right the first time, they'll buy someone elses property.


Let's review the data For Jan 2024...

Check out the sold prices in 2022 and 2023 VS 2024.

What Took place in
January 2024. 66 solds

How about
January 2023. 59 Solds

How about January 2022. 82 solds


How I Predict The Market.


2023 Year End 
Median Sales Price: $419,686
Average Days On Market: 46
Closed Sales: 1,154

Pricing your home to sell.

Fears in finding a
replacemet home.

What if I want to sell now, but feel locked in by my current low-interest-rate loan?’

A recent Opendoor survey found that out of all housing market issues, 77% of homebuyers and sellers are most concerned about high interest rates. As a result, many potential sellers are postponing their moves for fear of future affordability woes.

“According to the FHFA national mortgage database, 90%-plus of outstanding mortgages have interest rates less than 6%,” says Amit Arora, vice president of investments for Opendoor. “So there isn’t a huge motivation for many sellers to list.”

This tracks since 72% of sellers also plan to go out and buy a new house, and with current interest rates hovering around 7%, many sellers are afraid to give up their lower interest rate when they sell to then repurchase their next home.

Reality check: The truth is, high interest rates do not need to hold a seller back. For one, if sellers are sitting on any amount of home equity in their current home, selling could make them flush enough to make an all-cash offer (or near that) on a new house, circumventing mortgage rates.

Sellers can also snag a lower rate by buying down their rate with the lender, or shopping for new-construction homes where builders might offer rate buy-downs as well.

Another possible option: an assumable mortgage. True to its name, this is where you assume, or “take over,” the mortgage of the home you’re buying—as well as its low interest rate.

“You may be able to apply with the same mortgage company that the seller of the home you wish to buy uses and see if you can qualify to take over the existing mortgage,” says Jonathan Rundlett, regional owner of EXIT Mid-Atlantic.

What if I sell now, then home prices rise?’

Some sellers might hesitate to list their homes right now thinking that their property might appreciate even more in the near future—and then they’ll be sorry they sold it for less.

At the moment, prices might continue to go up some, but the escalation has seemingly slowed from pandemic times.

Realtor.com predicts only a modest decline in prices of just 0.6% for 2023 as a whole.

So if you’re thinking of selling, you could wait; but you’re not really going to make that much more than if you sold now. That’s because most sellers are likely selling one house and using the funds from that sale to purchase another house. In this scenario, it is not as important to “time” the market to sell at the peak.

‘What if I wait to sell my property until interest rates drop?’

Some homeowners who are likely to sell in the near future are waiting on the sidelines for interest rates to drop because they believe that if a buyer is able to get a lower interest rate, they will be willing to pay more for the house. However, supply and demand play a big role in determining home values, and this might not play out the way sellers imagine.

“Since many people are waiting for this same interest rate decline, there may be a large amount of properties that hit the market at the same time,” says Rundlett. “This increase in supply typically results in a reduction of prices.”

At the moment, however, data shows that there is still limited inventory and great demand for housing, which is why prices have continued to increase despite the higher interest rates.

“There is currently a very limited supply of homes available,” says Rundlett. “So it is likely better to sell your house now, rather than waiting and then trying to sell your house when there are many more properties for sale.”

‘What if I sell now, but mortgage rates rise higher before I buy another home?’

This really comes down to the reason you are selling.

“As I tell clients every day, interest rates do not determine if you are going to sell or buy a new home. What drives your move is far more important than an interest rate,” says Mason Whitehead, a Dallas-based branch manager for Churchill Mortgage.

Whitehead says when people have to move, it is usually for any one of these reasons:

“All of these are reasons we move, and whether the rate is in the 6% or 7% range doesn’t really matter relative to your quality of life and family needs,” says Whitehead.

He concedes that affordability is a big issue for his clients, but says it is often trumped by lifestyle needs.

So focus on the reason you are moving and not the rate—if rates drop, you can always refinance. If rates go up, you’ll be glad you locked in when you did.

‘What if I put my home on the market and it sells right away, but I need more time to buy a new property?’

Homes spend an average of 46 days on the market. That’s about two weeks longer than last year, but still shorter than before the pandemic. Since homes are selling faster in general, you need to make sure you aren’t thrown for a loop if you list your home and immediately get offers.

If you think you’ll need even more time, there are ways to negotiate with a buyer.

“You could include a contingency clause that allows you to find a home before completing the sale,” says real estate expert Michael Gifford, CEO of Splitero.

You could also request a closing date that is longer than the usual 30 days to give you more time to find a new residence.

Another option is a rent-back agreement, which allows the seller to stay in the house as a tenant of the buyer for a period of time after the sale is complete.

“Most lenders will allow a buyer to offer up to 60 days for the seller to lease back the property after the sale is complete to give them additional time to find a property and move,” says Rundlett.

‘What if I sell now but can’t find a new home in the area where I want to live?’

This is certainly a risk these days. However, even in a low-inventory environment, there are always some homes available, and depending on where you’re moving, the market might be better supplied.

If you really want to live in the same area and just can’t find another home that fits your needs, you could decide to stay put and instead remodel.

“Consider accessing your home equity to update and renovate your current home to satisfy what you’re seeking in a new home,” says Gifford.

Another option to consider is looking at new construction. While in the past new construction was always thought to be more expensive, today new homes might cost less than resale homes thanks to factors like builder incentives.

In fact, recent statistics show that new-home sales are increasing while the sale of existing homes is dropping, shifting home sales more toward new construction for the first time since 2008.

‘What if my home needs a lot of repairs but I can’t afford to fix them before selling?’

To get the highest price for your house, it is ideal to put it on the market with most items updated and few, if any, repairs needed. Turnkey homes are what most people are looking for, so they create the greatest demand. However, some homeowners do not have the money to update or make repairs before selling.

Fortunately, it is still possible to sell your home as is. And some buyers are looking for properties where they can build some sweat equity.

“But as a seller, your expectations need to be realistic to know that you won’t get top dollar for your house if repairs or updates are needed,” says Rundlett.

If a significant issue arises during the home inspection—such as structural problems or major systems in disrepair—and you can’t afford to fix it but you still want to close the sale, the best option in that scenario is to obtain repair estimates and negotiate with the buyer to find a solution that works for you both.

“You can offer the buyer a credit or price reduction to account for the necessary repairs, allowing them to address the issues on their own after the purchase,” says Gifford.

The buyer will have the option of continuing with the sale or voiding the contract if they have an inspection contingency.

‘What if I list my home and it doesn’t sell for the price I want?’

According to a recent Opendoor survey, 36% of sellers expect an offer above their asking price, whereas 73% of buyers plan to offer a bid below the list price. Obviously, in order for there to be a sale, both sides are going to have to give a little.

Keep in mind that even if you have a sale price in mind, it might not be realistic.

“Research comparable sales in your area to determine if the offers match the current market,” says Gifford. “You may need to adjust your expectations if market conditions have changed.”

If you feel like the offers you’re getting are too low—or you’re not getting offers at all—you might consider improving your marketing strategy by getting professional photographs, virtual tours, or targeted advertising to reach a wider audience.

And even if you don’t get the exact price you want, the good news is that both prospective sellers (76%) and buyers (80%) indicate a willingness to make some concessions to ensure a mutually beneficial sale.

Kimberly Dawn Neumann is a multi-published journalist based in New York City. She's written hundreds of articles on home-related topics for major publications including Forbes, Real Simple, and  Realtor.com. 

21 homes sold in 2023
and up. 

Ave. days on market 71.95.
Paid cash  8
Paid conventional  8
Paid other  1
Paid VA  2
Paid owner financing  1

7-21-2023 $1,201.500  cash Millville $212 per sq ft .41 AC

12-04-2023 $1,070.00   conv. Mendon
456 per sq ft 8.65 AC

01-03-2023 $1,000.000
  conv Wellsville
$223 per sq ft 3.98 AC

3-30-2023 $1,175.000  cash Hyrum
$196 per sq ft .46 AC

08-23-2023 $1,015.00  cash. 
$211 per sq ft 2.44 AC

11-01-2023 $1,100.00 cash Providence
$182 per sq ft 1.44 AC

07-26-2023 $1,525.00  conv. Mendon
$228  per sq ft   8.56 AC

06-27-2023 $1,165.00 VA. Providence
$213  per sq ft  .30 AC

11-20-2023 $1,370.00 conv Providence
$203  per sq ft .32 AC

06-15-2023 $1,500.00 cash Providence
$295  per sq ft .32 AC

06-26-2023 $1,300.00  other. Hyrum
$269  per sq ft  9.49 AC

11-28-2023 $1,612.00  VA. Millville
$235  per sq ft .32 AC

06-23-2023 $1,300.00  conv. Logan
$288  per sq ft .58  AC

01-31-2023 $1,075.00  cash. No Logan
$147  per sq ft  .60 AC

12-08-2023 $1,260.00  cash. 
No Logan
$173  per sq ft .86  AC

11-03-2023  $2,310.00 cash. Wellsville 
$626 per sq ft 22.91 AC

06-21-2023 $2,100.00 conv. Wellsville
$230  per sq ft 6.5 AC

07-06-2023 $1,070.00  conv. No Logan
$156  per sq ft .48  AC

06-08-2023 $1,050.00 conv. Hyrum
$456 per sq ft  35.39 AC

02-24-2023 $1,450.00 Seller financing. Wellsville
$300  per sq ft 6.16 AC 

Ave. days on market 71.95 days

Ave. per sq ft 230.28

Ave. AC 5.25 and 5 of those were over 3 AC's

See Link, Click


Anything pre July 2023 upon request

What sold 7-26-23 to 8-26-23


Click Here. 380k and up photos and more of all Solds in July 2023

Click 8-17-2022 data compared
to 8-17-2023 data.

Click Here This report shows sales statistics broken down by month, sinceAugust of 2018. As of 8-10-23

Click: This report shows sales statistics broken down by month, sinceAugust of 2020

Click: 8-15-2022 VS 8-15-2023 data.

Click: Homes that have sold 60 day back from 8-18-23 350k to 450k. If these are the ones that have sold, what are the homes that are for sale now in that range. Click


Additional Data No One Else Is Keeping!
I Have Been Keeping This Un-used, under the rock Data Since 1997.  Pre-2020 All The Data Averaged Out To Be... 85/15

Post 2020...  90/10

Just in the month of July 2023,
the rato was 99.93 / 0.07 

30 days back from 8-20-23
99.96 / 0.04
7-20-23 to 8-20-23

Why the change? 
1. Web technology post 2020, 
2. Sellers have become smarter post 2020. 3. The weird state of housing market.  These numbers are real, and if you clearly understand the ratios you will save thousands of dollars at closing.
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What's on the market as of today!
Total number of properties on the market today, Click Here

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